Microsoft Azure Cloud Engineer Master’s Program

Microsoft Azure Cloud Engineer Master’s Program will prepare you for three certification exams: AZ-104, which is required to attain Azure Administrator Badge (Associate-level), AZ-305, which is required to attain Azure Solutions Architect Badge (Expert-level) and AZ-400 which is required to attain Azure DevOps Badge. As part of this training, you will learn about Azure cloud platform, its architecture, components, virtualization, cloud services, Azure automation, building secure and scalable Azure infrastructure, and more through hands-on projects and case studies.


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Microsoft Azure Cloud Engineer Master’s Program will prepare you for three certification exams: AZ-104, which is required to attain Azure Administrator Badge (Associate-level), AZ-305, which is required to attain Azure Solutions Architect Badge (Expert-level) and AZ-400 which is required to attain Azure DevOps Badge. As part of this training, you will learn about Azure cloud platform, its architecture, components, virtualization, cloud services, Azure automation, building secure and scalable Azure infrastructure, and more through hands-on projects and case studies. You will be able to implement advanced networking configurations, plan authentication and security of the infrastructure, use IaaS solutions and Storage Services to deploy end-to-end cloud solutions. This Azure certification course includes developing applications for Azure, administrating and architecting Azure infrastructure, and more.

Learning Path:
  1. Azure Administrator
  2. Azure Solution Architect Expert
  3. Azure DevOps

Course content



Azure Administrator


Manage Azure identities and governance



Manage Azure AD objects
  • create users and groups
  • manage user and group properties
  • manage device settings
  • perform bulk user updates
  • manage guest accounts
  • configure Azure AD Join
  • configure self-service password reset
  • NOT: Azure AD Connect; PIM
Manage role-based access control (RBAC)
  • create a custom role
  • provide access to Azure resources by assigning roles
    • subscriptions
    • resource groups
    • resources (VM, disk, )
  • interpret access assignments
  • manage multiple directories
Manage subscriptions and governance
  • configure Azure policies
  • configure resource locks
  • apply tags
  • create and manage resource groups
    • move resources
    • remove RGs
  • manage subscriptions
  • configure Cost Management
  • configure management groups


Implement and manage storage


Manage storage accounts
  • configure network access to storage accounts
  • create and configure storage accounts
  • generate shared access signature
  • manage access keys
  • implement Azure storage replication
  • configure Azure AD Authentication for a storage account
Manage data in Azure Storage
  • export from Azure job
  • import into Azure job
  • install and use Azure Storage Explorer
  • copy data by using AZCopy
Configure Azure files and Azure blob storage
  • create an Azure file share
  • create and configure Azure File Sync service
  • configure Azure blob storage
  • configure storage tiers for Azure blobs


Deploy and manage Azure compute resources



Configure VMs for high availability and scalability 
  • configure high availability
  • deploy and configure scale sets
Automate deployment and configuration of VMs
  • modify Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template
  • configure VHD template
  • deploy from template
  • save a deployment as an ARM template
  • automate configuration management by using custom script extensions
Create and configure VMs
  • configure Azure Disk Encryption
  • move VMs from one resource group to another
  • manage VM sizes
  • add data discs
  • configure networking
  • redeploy VMs
Create and configure containers
  • create and configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • create and configure Azure Container Instances (ACI)
  • NOT: selecting an container solution architecture or product; container registry settings
Create and configure Web Apps
  • create and configure App Service
  • create and configure App Service Plans
  • NOT: Azure Functions; Logic Apps; Event Grid



Configure and manage virtual networking



Implement and manage virtual networking
  • create and configure VNET peering
  • configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets, and virtual network
Configure name resolution 
  • configure Azure DNS
  • configure custom DNS settings
  • configure a private or public DNS zone
Secure access to virtual networks 
  • create security rules
  • associate an NSG to a subnet or network interface
  • evaluate effective security rules
  • deploy and configure Azure Firewall
  • deploy and configure Azure Bastion Service
  • NOT: Implement Application Security Groups; DDoS
Configure load balancing 
  • configure Application Gateway
  • configure an internal load balancer
  • configure load balancing rules
  • configure a public load balancer
  • troubleshoot load balancing
  • NOT: Traffic Manager and FrontDoor and PrivateLink
Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking
  • monitor on-premises connectivity
  • use Network Performance Monitor
  • use Network Watcher
  • troubleshoot external networking
  • troubleshoot virtual network connectivity
Integrate an on-premises network with an Azure virtual network
  • create and configure Azure VPN Gateway
  • create and configure VPNs
  • configure ExpressRoute
  • configure Azure Virtual WAN


Monitor and back up Azure resources



Monitor resources by using Azure Monitor
  • configure and interpret metrics
    • analyze metrics across subscriptions
  • configure Log Analytics
    • implement a Log Analytics workspace
    • configure diagnostic settings
  • query and analyze logs
    • create a query
    • save a query to the dashboard
    • interpret graphs
  • set up alerts and actions
    • create and test alerts
    • create action groups
    • view alerts in Azure Monitor
    • analyze alerts across subscriptions
  • configure Application Insights
  • NOT: Network monitoring
Implement backup and recovery
  • configure and review backup reports
  • perform backup and restore operations by using Azure Backup Service
  • create a Recovery Services Vault
    • use soft delete to recover Azure VMs
  • create and configure backup policy
  • perform site-to-site recovery by using Azure Site Recovery
  • NOT: SQL or HANA



Azure Solution Architect Expert



Design Identity, Governance, and Monitoring Solutions


Design a solution for logging and monitoring
  • design a log routing solution
  • recommend an appropriate level of logging
  • recommend monitoring tools for a solution
Design authentication and authorization solutions
  • recommend a solution for securing resources with role-based access control
  • recommend an identity management solution
  • recommend a solution for securing identities
Design governance
  • recommend an organizational and hierarchical structure for Azure resources
  • recommend a solution for enforcing and auditing compliance
Design identities and access for applications 
  • recommend solutions to allow applications to access Azure resources
  • recommend a solution that securely stores passwords and secrets
  • recommend a solution for integrating applications into Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  • recommend a user consent solution for applications


Design Data Storage Solutions


Design a data storage solution for relational data 
  • recommend database service tier sizing
  • recommend a solution for database scalability
  • recommend a solution for encrypting data at rest, data in transmission, and data in use
Design data integration
  • recommend a solution for data integration
  • recommend a solution for data analysis
Recommend a data storage solution 
  • recommend a solution for storing relational data
  • recommend a solution for storing semi-structured data
  • recommend a solution for storing non-relational data
Design a data storage solution for non-relational data
  • recommend access control solutions to data storage
  • recommend a data storage solution to balance features, performance, and cost
  • design a data solution for protection and durability


Design Business Continuity Solutions



Design a solution for backup and disaster recovery
  • recommend a recovery solution for Azure, hybrid, and on-premises workloads that meetsrecovery objectives (Recovery Time Objective [RTO], Recovery Level Objective [RLO],Recovery Point Objective [RPO])
  • understand the recovery solutions for containers
  • recommend a backup and recovery solution for compute
  • recommend a backup and recovery solution for databases
  • recommend a backup and recovery solution for unstructured data
Design for high availability 
  • identify the availability requirements of Azure resources
  • recommend a high availability solution for compute
  • recommend a high availability solution for non-relational data storage
  • recommend a high availability solution for relational data storage


Design Infrastructure Solutions



Design a compute solution 
  • recommend a virtual machine-based compute solution
  • recommend an appropriately sized compute solution based on workload requirements
  • recommend a container-based compute solution
  • recommend a serverless-based compute solution
Design an application architecture
  • recommend a caching solution for applications
  • recommend a messaging architecture
  • recommend an event-driven architecture
  • recommend an automated deployment solution for your applications
  • recommend an application configuration management solution
  • recommend a solution for API integration
Design migrations
  • evaluate a migration solution that leverages the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure
  • assess and interpret on-premises servers, data, and applications for migration
  • recommend a solution for migrating applications and virtual machines
  • recommend a solution for migrating databases
  • recommend a solution for migrating unstructured data
Design network solutions
  • recommend a network architecture solution based on workload requirements
  • recommend a connectivity solution that connects Azure resources to the internet
  • recommend a connectivity solution that connects Azure resources to on-premisesnetworks
  • optimize network performance for applications
  • recommend a solution to optimize network security
  • recommend a load balancing and routing solution



Azure DevOps



Introduction to Microsoft Azure
  • Introduction to cloud computing
  • What is Microsoft Azure?
  • Microsoft Azure Services
  • Creating a Microsoft Azure Account
  • Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell
  • Microsoft Azure Architecture
Introduction to Azure Storage
  • Azure Resources & Subscriptions
  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Managing Azure Resources
  • Azure Tags
  • Azure Storage Account & its types
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure Files Storage
  • Azure File Sync
Hands-on Exercise:
  • Manage Resource Groups in Azure
  • Move resources from one resource group to another
  • Apply tags
  • Create storage account
  • Access storage account
  • Create blob storage
  • Upload in blob storage
Azure Virtual Machines
  • Azure Virtual Machines
  • Data Disks in Azure
  • Azure VMs & Interfaces
  • Custom Images of Azure VM
  • Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  • Virtual Machine Availability Sets
Hands-on Exercise:
  • Creating and Configuring an Azure VM
  • Deploying a custom image of Azure VM
  • Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
Azure App and Container services
  • App Service Web App for Containers
  • App Service plan
  • Networking for an App Service
  • Deployment slots
  • Container image
  • Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Azure Container Registry
Hands-on Exercise:
  • Create an App Service Web App for Containers
  • Create a container image
  • Configure Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Publish and automate image deployment to the Azure Container Registry
Azure Networking – I
  • Azure Virtual Networks
  • Azure Vnet Components
  • IP Address – Public & Private IPs
  • Azure Vnet Subnets
  • Azure Network Interface Cards (NIC)
  • Network Security Group (NSG)
  • Azure DNS
  • Private DNS
Hands-on Exercise:
  • Vnet creation
  • Create and configure vnet-vnet peering
  • Verify virtual network connectivity
  • Assign static IP to VM
  • Create route tables
  • Add routes
  • Create NIC
  • Attach NIC to VM
  • Create DNS
  • Add RecordSet
  • Create NSG
Azure Networking – II
  • Application Gateway
  • Azure Traffic Manager
  • Application Security Groups
  • Azure Load Balancers
  • Azure Firewall
  • Azure Bastion
  • Network Watcher
Hands-on Exercise:
  • Create an internal load balancer
  • Create a Public load balancer
  • Application Gateway
  • Implement Azure Traffic Manager
  • Deploy and configure Azure Bastion Service
Microsoft Azure Active Directory
  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  • Windows AD Vs Azure AD
  • Azure AD Users
  • Azure AD Groups
  • Azure AD Tenants
  • Authentication Options
  • Azure AD Connect
  • Self Service Password Reset (SSPR)
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Hands-on Exercise:
  • Add or delete users using Azure Active Directory
  • Add or delete tenants using Azure Active Directory
  • Create a basic group and add members
Azure Monitoring
  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Metrics
  • Log Analytics
  • Application Insights
  • Backup reports
  • Backing Up Azure Virtual Machines
  • VM Backup Policies
  • Restoring Azure Virtual machines,
Infrastructure Setup – AKS
  • Installation of DevOps Tools on cloud
  • Azure CLI
  • Terraform
  • AKS
Introduction to DevOps
  • What is Software Development
  • Software Development Life Cycle
  • Traditional Models for SDLC
  • Why DevOps?
  • What is DevOps?
  • DevOps Lifecycle
  • DevOps Tools
Project Management
  • What PM?
  • What is the importance of PM in the Org?
  • What is Agile/Scrum?
  • What is a backlog?
  • What are Sprint/Iterations?
Test Management
  • What is Test Management?
  • What is Test Plan?
  • What is Test Suite?
  • What are Test Cases?
  • What is the Difference Between
  • Manual and Automation Testing?
  • What are Azure artifacts
  • Connecting to azure pipelines
  • What are Azure test plans
  • Testing web apps?
Software Version Control
  • What is Version Control?
  • Types of Version Control System
  • Introduction to SVN
  • Introduction to Azure Repo
  • Introduction to Git
  • Git Lifecycle
  • Common Git Commands
  • Working with Branches in Git
  • Merging Branches
  • Resolving Merge Conflicts
  • Git Workflow
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Understanding Docker Lifecycle
  • Components of Docker Ecosystem
  • Common Docker Operations
  • Creating a DockerHub Account
  • Committing changes in a Container
  • Pushing a Container Image to DockerHub
  • Creating Custom Docker Images using Dockerfile
Hands-on Exercise:
  • Common Docker Operations
  • Creating a DockerHub Account
  • Committing Changes to a Container
  • Pushing container to DockerHub
  • Creating Local Image Repository
  • Building an Image using Dockerfile
Azure DevOps and Azure Repos
  • Azure DevOps architecture
  • Key features
  • Azure DevOps tools
  • Azure DevOps organizations and projects
  • Introduction to Azure Repos
  • Compare TFVC and Git
  • Key concepts in azure repos
  • Search your code in Repos
  • What is TFVC
  • Azure Repos Integrations
Azure Pipelines
  • What is Azure Pipelines
  • Why use Azure Pipelines
  • Deploying to Azure
  • Key concepts in Pipelines
  • CI Triggers in pipelines
  • YAML Basics
  • Ecosystems and Integration
  • Setting up CI build
  • Adding Tests to the Pipeline
  • Agents and Tasks
Azure Boards
  • What is Azure Boards
  • Why use azure boards
  • Agile project management best practices
  • Basic concepts of Azure Boards
  • Connecting boards to Github
  • Work items
  • Kanban boards
  • Sprints
  • Azure Boards integrations
  • Create-AKS-Cluster
  • Ingress-Basic
  • Ingress – Context Path Based Routing
  • Kubernetes-Namespaces
  • Azure-VirtualNodes-for-AKS
  • Azure-VirtualNodes-MixedMode-Deployments
  • Azure-Container-Registry-ACR
Terraform with Azure IAC
  • What is Infrastructure as a code
  • IaC vs Configuration Management
  • Introduction to Terraform
  • Installing Terraform on Local and Vms
  • Basic Operations in Terraform
  • init
  • validate
  • plan
  • apply
  • destroy
  • Terraform Code Basics
  • Deploying an end-to-end architecture on Azure using Terraform



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Course Prerequisites

  • There are no prerequisites for enrolment in this Microsoft Azure Masters Program. Basic understanding of cloud computing concepts and Linux will help.

Who can attend

  • While the Microsoft Azure Cloud Engineer Masters Program is designed for professionals who are planning to attain any or all of the three badges – Azure Administrator Associate Badge, Azure Architect Expert Badge and Azure DevOps Badge.

Number of Hours: 100hrs


AZ-104, AZ-305 & AZ-400

Key features

  • One to One Training
  • Online Training
  • Fastrack & Normal Track
  • Resume Modification
  • Mock Interviews
  • Video Tutorials
  • Materials
  • Real Time Projects
  • Virtual Live Experience
  • Preparing for Certification


DASVM Technologies offers 300+ IT training courses with 10+ years of Experienced Expert level Trainers.

  • One to One Training
  • Online Training
  • Fastrack & Normal Track
  • Resume Modification
  • Mock Interviews
  • Video Tutorials
  • Materials
  • Real Time Projects
  • Materials
  • Preparing for Certification

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DASVM Technologies has a no refund policy. Fees once paid will not be refunded. If the candidate is not able to attend a training batch, he/she is to reschedule for a future batch. Due Date for Balance should be cleared as per date given. If in case trainer got cancelled or unavailable to provide training DASVM will arrange training sessions with other backup trainer.

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